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Camila Ludovique


Camila Ludovique is a post-doctoral researcher at the Energy Planning Program - PPE/COPPE/UFRJ. She holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Ouro Preto and an MSc and DSc degree in Energy Planning from PPE/COPPE/UFRJ. Her work is concentrated on energy, mobility, climate change, mitigation, and energy-economy-environment models. Her main motivation is to promote sustainable development, through studies of smart, sustainable, and egalitarian urban mobility technologies and systems.

Camila Ludovique
Camila Ludovique


Energy Planning Program, COPPE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Centro de Tecnologia, Sala C-211, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão

21941-972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

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