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Bruno Cunha

Visiting Researcher

Bruno Cunha is a Visiting Researcher at the Human Resources Program of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels - PRH-41/ANP. He holds a MSc and DSc in Energy and Environmental Planning from PPE/COPPE/UFRJ. He has a bachelor's in Economics from Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (FCE/UFRGS) and an extension at the University of Porto (FEP/UPORTO), Portugal. He has contributed to develop a global computable general equilibrium model (Total-Economy Assessment - TEA) to investigate the role of Brazil in a global context of climate stabilisation. His fields of research interest include energy transition, energy planning, and economic analysis of energy systems. He was a collaborating author of the AR6 WGIII of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Production Gap Report 2021 do SEI, IISD, ODI, E3G e UNEP.

Bruno Cunha
Bruno Cunha


Energy Planning Program, COPPE, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Centro de Tecnologia, Sala C-211, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão

21941-972 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

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